Starting from Command line
One Commander can be started from the command line in a Terminal window, using a number of switches. Switches are parameters entered after the name of the executible program (here, OneCommander.exe), that affect the way that the program behaves once launched.
Open a Terminal window, change the current folder in the Command Line to the one in which OneCommander.exe is located, and then use one of the following switches to start One Commander (e.g. "OneCommander -nowindow"). In each case, <path> must be the full pathname for the path you want One Commander to open in, enclosed in quotes if the path contains spaces, e.g. "C:\Users\<User name>\Documents".
- At a particular path:
- onecommander.exe "C:\path"
- To open in the same tab:
- onecommander.exe -o "C:\path"
- To open in a new tab:
- onecommander.exe -o "C:\path" -newtab
- To start One Commander with the Main Window in the default position (the equivalent of starting One Commander and pressing Shift+F1):
- onecommander.exe -resetwindowposition
- The path "C:\fullpath" in the first Browser (e.g. the left browser in Standard Layout):
- onecommander.exe -path "<path>"
- onecommander.exe -p "<path>"
- onecommander.exe -"<path>"
- The path "C:\fullpath" in the second Browser (e.g. the right browser in Standard Layout):
- onecommander.exe -p2 "<path>"
- The Main Window not visible (i.e. One Commander running in the background)
- OneCommander.exe -nowindow
- Text not being sharp on non-HDPI screens:
- onecommander.exe -nohdpi
- onecommander.exe -ldpi
2. Quick introductory guide:1. Opening One Commander for the first time
3. Full reference guide:File and Path Operations
3. Full reference guide:Starting, Reopening, and Closing One Commander